Thanksgiving for Our Grandchildren

Written by Sherry Schumann

Sherry Schumann is an author of 2 books and prayer coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network.

August 30, 2018

Dearest Lord Jesus,

We set aside a few moments today to glorify you and to offer our humble thanks for our precious grandchildren. They are the apple of our eyes, the “crown of the aged” (Proverbs 17:6) who bring us indescribable joy.

More importantly, they are the apple of your eye (Deuteronomy 32:10). You knew them before they were formed in the womb. (Jeremiah 1:5). You have engraved them on the palms of your hands (Isaiah 49:16), and you rejoice over them with singing (Zephaniah 3:17).

Thank you, LORD, for “every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17), and that includes our grandchildren.


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  1. Mary Lois Kemp

    Thank you for these beautiful prayers and devotions. They are my heart and soul for my grandchildren, my son and daughter-in-law. Thank you for caring.
    God’s blessings and love to you ,

    • Sherry Schumann

      Dear Mary Lois,
      Thank you for taking the time to comment about the prayers and devotions, which I post. I am humbled that God has called me to this area of ministry. God bless you and your precious family.


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