Our Grandchildren’s Second Semester Attitude

Our Grandchildren’s Second Semester Attitude

  Abba Father, We pray that our grandchildren “run with endurance the race that is set before them” (Romans 12:1).  We pray they complete this second semester with the same enthusiasm they had when the year began. Please let them approach their classwork, homework and...
A New School Year Will Soon Begin!

A New School Year Will Soon Begin!

  Heavenly Father, We pray for our grandchildren as they prepare to meet this year’s teachers and tackle tougher subject matter. Let them approach their studies, especially difficult material, with determination and diligence. Broaden their understanding of...
Prayer for the Upcoming School Year

Prayer for the Upcoming School Year

  Abba Father, We pray for the upcoming school year. Please give our governors, state boards of education, administrators, counselors and teachers wisdom and discernment as they make difficult decisions about how to proceed. Guide them as they strive to create an...
Prayers for Parents and the Upcoming School Year

Prayers for Parents and the Upcoming School Year

  Father God, Our adult children and their spouses are navigating uncharted waters. They are currently struggling with whether to send our grandchildren back into the classroom or keep them at home for online school. This is a difficult dilemma, especially as the...

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