by Sherry Schumann | Oct 10, 2018 | Prayers
Common Scenario: A teenager walks awkwardly along the fringe, trying to keep in step with a group of wayward peers. Weeks pass, and his awkwardness disappears. He stands in the way of sinners. Soon, he’ll sit in the company of mockers, revered by yet another teen who...
by Sherry Schumann | Mar 1, 2017 | Devotions for Housewives, Uncategorized
A phone call from our youngest son in the middle of the afternoon was my first clue that something in his life was amiss. His words “Mom, are you doing anything important?” was my second clue. A pit formed in my stomach, as questions swirled in my brain. Why was our...
by Sherry Schumann | Feb 21, 2017 | Christian Grandparenting, Uncategorized
Teens Struggle to Belong Teenager are desperate to belong somewhere. Anywhere. Unfortunately, this need often points them in the wrong direction. They start innocently enough, walking awkwardly along the fringe, trying to keep in step with a group of wayward peers....