Praying God Protects our Grandchildren from Evil

Praying God Protects our Grandchildren from Evil

Heavenly Father, The enemy is a counterfeit fisherman. He is angling for his prey. He cast his lies and jiggles his bait, all the while, hoping to reel-in another unsuspecting soul. Heavenly Father, please rescue our children and grandchildren. Rescue them from being...
Prayer for Grandparents Who Carry Heavy Burdens

Prayer for Grandparents Who Carry Heavy Burdens

Father God, Many grandparents face tremendous burdens and heartache. Some grandparents are denied the opportunity to mention Jesus’ name in the presence of their grandchildren, while other grandparents are denied a relationship with their grandchildren, altogether....
Prayer for Our Grandchildren’s Teachers

Prayer for Our Grandchildren’s Teachers

Heavenly Father, We thank you in advance for the teachers, which You have chosen for our grandchildren; we are privileged to pray in their behalf. We pray that you bless our grandchildren’s teachers with a fulfilling school year. Give them the ability to create a...

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