Prayer for the Faith of Our Adult Children

Written by Sherry Schumann

Sherry Schumann is an author of 2 books and prayer coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network.

May 28, 2020


Father God,

We pray for the faith of our adult children…

We pray for our adult children who have a deep, abiding faith and are walking closely with the Lord. Let them be the salt of the earth, the light of Christ to their families, neighbors and friends.

We pray for our adult children who have become apathetic about their relationship with You. Let them “wake up and strengthen what remains” (Revelation 3:2), lest their flickering flame dies, rendering them in spiritual darkness.

We pray for our adult children who willfully walked away from their faith. “Rescue them from the dominion of darkness and bring them into the kingdom of Your Son in whom we have redemption” (Colossians 1:13-14, NIV, paraphrased). Please save their souls.

We pray for all our adult children, that they may experience the abiding and undeniable presence of Christ, our Lord.

In Your Son’s Name, we pray.


© 2020, Sherry Schumann

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