Prayer for Teenage and Preteen Grandchildren

Written by Sherry Schumann

Sherry Schumann is an author of 2 books and prayer coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network.

March 19, 2021


Lord Jesus,

We pray for our grandchildren who are teenagers and preteens. Please protect them from any pitfalls, which await them. Pitfalls called identity-crisis, self-worth and peer pressure. Pitfalls that persuade them to challenge and rebel against their parents and the values they’ve been taught.

Please rescue them when they stumble. Draw them “up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set their feet upon a rock, making their steps secure” (Psalm 40:2, paraphrased).

And when they feel insignificant or insecure, let them look at Your nail-scarred hands and know they are loved.

In Christ’s Name, we pray.


©2021, Sherry Schumann

For encouraging grandparent resources, please see Christian Grandparenting Network’s website at

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