Prayer for Protection from the Coronavirus

Written by Sherry Schumann

Sherry Schumann is an author of 2 books and prayer coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network.

March 12, 2020

Heavenly Father,

All creation groans. Our world has been turned upside-down by the coronavirus and the fear that heralds its arrival. No one, except You, fully understands this pathogen’s epidemiology and the extent to which it will or will not spread.

We humble ourselves and pray, seeking Your face and turning from our wicked ways. Please forgive our sin and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14, paraphrased). Please eradicate this disease from the face of the earth.

We pray for government leaders, ministers, school officials and others who are in positions of authority. Please give them wisdom and discernment to make prudent decisions for the common good.

We pray for our health workers—our doctors, nurses, techs and first-responders who place themselves in harm’s way to care for the sick. Please protect them “from the deadly pestilence” (Psalm 91:3).

We pray for people everywhere, especially those of us, who are more susceptible to the disease. Remind us that You “gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7). Let us stay informed but not afraid, vigilant but not compulsive, all the while, trusting that You are our immunity, our shelter and our shield.

In Jesus’ Name, we pray.


© 2020, Sherry Schumann


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  1. Linda

    Thank you for all the prayers We need more of that everyday.My husband & I still worried .Im scared..

    • Sherry Schumann

      Good morning, Linda. I believe God gives us healthy fear, which reminds us to observe good hygiene (like hand-washing and covering our mouths when we cough) and cautions us to avoid large arena-type settings. I also believe God is using the Coronavirus to remind the Body of Christ that we are called to pray about the things that cause us angst. I hope you have a blessed and stress-free weekend. Blessings!

  2. Jane

    A beautiful all inclusive prayer, thank you so much for putting the words in my mouth that I was trying to pray.

    • Sherry Schumann

      Thank you, Jane. Normally, I spend hours and hours, sometimes weeks, composing these prayers. I know that the Holy Spirit gave me the words for this prayer, because I wrote it and found the photograph in a few short hours. I think God wants to remind us that we have the greatest weapon in our arsenal, and it is prayer! I hope you have a blessed day!

  3. Janet

    What words of inspiration and comfort! Believers can find HIS peace when lifting this prayer up. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Sandra Virag

    God bless you for your wisdom you shared with us, and for shedding light where there is darkness.

    Sandra V

    • Sherry Schumann

      Thank you, Sandra. God bless you for taking the time to comment. I pray that you and your loved ones are remaining healthy, sheltered in the arms of our Savior.


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