Prayer for Our Relationship with the “Other Grandparents”

Written by Sherry Schumann

Sherry Schumann is an author of 2 books and prayer coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network.

February 13, 2020

Lord Jesus,

You are the essence of forgiveness, all that is wholesome and good. Therefore, we come to You today, humbling ourselves and praying for our relationship with the “other grandparents.”

Help us to love them as You love us—with patience and kindness—unselfishly considering their needs before our own wants and desires. Help us to recognize our areas of brokenness where jealousies and short-sightedness pervade our attitudes. Stop us when we are critical and judgmental.

Show us how to set aside our differences, become peacemakers and engage in healthy relationships with our grandchildren’s other grandparents. Let us do this for the good of our extended family. Most of all, let us do this to the glory of God!

In Your beautiful Name, we pray.


© 2020, Sherry Schumann

For more information about becoming an effective praying grandparent, please see


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