Is Prayer Restricted by Age?

Written by Sherry Schumann

Sherry Schumann is an author of 2 books and prayer coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network.

July 22, 2019

God’s Spirit nudged me, urging me to ask a seemingly ridiculous, possibly rhetorical, question. Is prayer restricted by age?

Praying with Children

Last week, I had the pleasure of serving as a “prayer angel” at our vacation Bible school. My responsibilities were simple, nothing more than being available to intercede for a child who requested prayer. I arrived on time, doubtful that anyone would come forward.

I waited at the back of the sanctuary, alongside my prayer partner, as our music minister opened the morning session with some fun, foot-stomping music. Next, the director of our VBS taught the Bible lesson. At the end of her teaching, she mentioned that there was a team of prayer angels for anyone who wanted to ask for prayer.

I was amazed and overjoyed when a line formed! The line consisted of boys and girls of all ages with trusting hearts and genuine needs. Some requested prayer for themselves, while others requested prayer for a family member, a neighbor or a friend. I was honored, privileged and blessed to pray for these precious children.

Praying with Senior Citizens

Last week, I also received a phone call from the activity’s director of a nursing-home, who invited me to talk with the residents about prayer. I accepted her invitation, immediately. 

One thing I learned while my mother-in-law resided in an assisted-living-facility is that the “golden-age” isn’t so golden. In addition to losing their independence, many senior citizens feel unproductive, disregarded and ignored. They wonder if God has forgotten them.

The Creator of the universe doesn’t make mistakes, and He doesn’t forget any of His children. He numbers our days. (“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord”—Job 1:21).

Why, then, are some people left here on earth, confined to beds and wheelchairs? God’s ways are not my ways, and His thoughts are not my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8, paraphrased); however, I can’t help but think that God leaves some people on the earth longer than they prefer, because He wants them to be prayer warriors for their families.

I am excited to announce that I’ll be launching a G@P (Grandparents @ Prayer) group at the nursing-home. We’ll gather for one hour, once a month, to pray for our families–specifically our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


The question, which I asked at the beginning of this blog, bears repeating. Is prayer restricted by age?

I am inclined, more now than ever, to stomp my feet and shout, “No way!”

For more information about Grandparents @ Prayer, please see…


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  1. Tammy Carr

    As my mother is getting more feeble, and needy, my prayer for her is that she never feels alone and unworthy. I need her prayers as much as she needs mine. I feel that it is an honor to take care of my momma. Thank you so much

    • Sherry Schumann

      Thank you, Tammy, for commenting. You are always a source of encouragement to me. I often reminded my mother-in-law, whom you dearly loved as Ms. Janette, that we needed her prayers and were so grateful for them. It’s hard when our parents age. Both you and you momma are blessed to have each other!

  2. Tracy

    We had a family friend who was housebound for years because of extreme health issues. She told me that for a long time, she questioned why God had left her here, stuck in a body that couldn’t do much. It finally dawned on her that no matter how poor her health was, she could pray. So she did. She had the longest prayer list of anyone I have ever known – and knowing I was on her list was a great comfort.

    • Sherry Schumann

      Thank you, Tracy, for sharing this inspirational comment about your friend, who, despite being housebound by health issues, discovered that she could impact the world through prayer. Prayer warriors of her magnitude are a blessing!


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