
Written by Sherry Schumann

Sherry Schumann is an author of 2 books and prayer coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network.

February 18, 2020

What is a GrandJunction?

Have you searched unsuccessfully for a Grandparent @ Prayer group located near you? Have you tried to start a group in the past and had it fizzle out within a couple of weeks? Does the thought of starting a prayer group terrify you?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, may I suggest a GrandJunction?

While a junction is the convergence of roads or tracks at a single point, a GrandJunction is a group of grandparents who meet weekly and pray for their grandchildren. A GrandJunction differs from other prayer groups, such as G@P, because the grandparents converge to pray for four weeks about a designated topic. For example, a GrandJunction may be scheduled in September to pray for the upcoming school year, or one may be scheduled in January to pray about new beginnings.

Why are GrandJunctions Effective?

GrandJunctions are effective for multiple reasons:

Grandjunctions offer a designated start and finish. We lead busy lives, which leaves many of us hesitant about starting or joining a group of any kind. We have an easier time making a four-week commitment than a commitment that goes on indefinitely.

GrandJunctions are designed with a specific purpose or topic in mind. Some of us are tentative about joining a prayer group, because groups of this nature have the propensity to lose their focus and develop into a social hour (or hours). We stay focused at junction groups, because we have committed to pray about a designated topic for a limited amount of time.

GrandJunctions are simple to start. They offer the perfect solution for grandparents who are intimidated by the idea of starting and being responsible for a prayer group.

GrandJunctions can be resumed or reconvened easily.

How do I start a GrandJunction?

  1. Contact a handful of friends who are willing to commit to the four-week period or prayer. (One or two friends is plenty.)
  2. Choose a location, a day of the week and time of day, which is suitable for everyone in your group. The locations can vary from a coffee shop to the park, the church or someone’s home. You can easily take turns meeting at different houses.
  3. Choose the topic or the focus of your prayers.
  4. Limit the GrandJunction to one-hour. Grandparents will drift away and find excuses for not attending subsequent junctions, if they discover that you are not respectful of their time constraints.
  5. Begin each GrandJunction with a brief, ten-minute devotion or Scripture reading.
  6. Follow the devotion with prayer. Instead of discussing prayer requests, pray about them. (For example, say a prayer for your granddaughter instead of discussing her difficulty adjusting to kindergarten. The other members of the groups can add prayers for granddaugther when you finish.)
  7. End the prayer-hour by praising God and giving Him thanks for the gift of children and grandchildren.

One last point:

Flexible and user friendly, GrandJunctions are designed for those of us who lead busy lives and/ or are intimidated by the thought of starting a G@P (Grandparent @ Prayer) group. Will you give a GrandJunction a try, and let me know what you think?

Copyright 2020, Sherry Schumann

For more information about Grandparents @ Prayer, please visit the Prayer Ministry of Christian Grandparenting Network.

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