by Sherry Schumann | Jul 9, 2021 | Christian Grandparenting
Homecoming: My grandson and I stood on the sidewalk, watching and waving, as the horse-drawn carriage pulled away from the curb and into the line of traffic. Our hands were sticky from the ice cream cone we shared moments earlier. We continued waving while the...
by Sherry Schumann | Apr 14, 2021 | Christian Grandparenting
A special welcome to my guest blogger, Terri Sherrow. I worry during these times of uncertainty. How can I not worry? The coronavirus has us in quarantine, and the world is on hold. I worry not only for my health but for the health and safety of my loved ones, health...
by Sherry Schumann | Oct 26, 2020 | Christian Grandparenting
Grandparents love to shop for their grandchildren. There’s nothing wrong with purchasing strollers or cribs, dance shoes or soccer balls. However, the greatest gift that we can give our children can’t be purchased online or picked up at a big-box store. It won’t...
by Sherry Schumann | Aug 25, 2020 | Christian Grandparenting
Can you describe the present condition of your heart? If your heart is like mine, it’s heavy. It’s saddled by the uncertainties of the times in which we are living. It’s encumbered by concerns for our adult children as they worry about job security and whether or...
by Sherry Schumann | Aug 10, 2020 | Christian Grandparenting
Join us on September 13, 2020 The purpose of Grandparents’ Day of Prayer is to raise an awareness of prayer among today’s Christian grandparents. The day is normally celebrated in churches, homes and Christian schools. Social distancing, however, imposes restrictions...
by Sherry Schumann | Jul 28, 2020 | Christian Grandparenting
(I am thrilled to welcome Terri Sherrow as my guest blogger. Terri serves on the Prayer Ministry Staff of Christian Grandparenting Network.) I have been a single mother since my forty-year-old daughter was six years old. I didn’t choose for my marriage to end, While I...