The transition was smooth, or so I thought. Closing the door to my math and science lab, I retired from teaching in order to be my mom’s caregiver. I spent any free time I had writing. My first novel, The Christmas Bracelet, is an “ashes to beauty” holiday tale.
Four years later, when the Lord carried my Mom home, the aftershock from my retirement occurred. Without her, my sweetest friend, I was lost drifting in a sea of purposelessness.
I needed to rediscover a purpose, one which glorified God through my writing and photography; thus, I cried out to Him in a loud voice. “Here I am, Lord. Send me.”
For one whole year, the Lord answered, “Continue writing.”
Then I was assigned the task of writing an article about Legacy Coalition for our diocesan newspaper, I attended Legacy Coalition’s first meeting in August, 2015. As I recorded the speakers’ words, God awakened me to a new purpose. He called me to pass a legacy, a spiritual inheritance, onto our grandchildren. With tears coursing down my cheeks, I answered His call.
My life in rural South Carolina is simple and beautiful. I’ve been married to my soul mate for thirty-four years. We are blessed with three sons, all of whom we are very proud, and three beautiful daughters-in-love. My heart rejoices whenever our house echoes with the sounds of our grandchildren’s voices.
I am humbled serving as national prayer co-coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network and writing for Legacy Coalition. Through my association with these ministries, I am learning to be a more intentional, godly grandparent.